Spiritual Defence
Negative entities, ghosts, and curses can all effect your home or business.
Corporate witchcraft is thriving, businesses can buy curses from online influencers and target your business.
We provide spiritual protection for your family, home, business or land.
Onsite or Remote Appointments
On-site or remote.
We can provide and on-site visit to your home, family or commercial premises.
We can also offer a fully remote “tune-in” spiritual clearing service for the more discrete customer.
Bespoke Services
We employ a range of spiritual clearing techniques we have combined over 40 years of spiritual defence.
We can also work with many paranormal consultants and can conduct a full investigation if required.
Strategy and Goals
Spiritual Help for Business & Commercial Success
All business leaders know how to set goals and strategies as a method to measure the trajectory and success of the business.
Imagine levegering a huge Spiritual Advange over your competitiors, you can do this very quickly and the effects are tangible and can be measured.
Once clients see the effect of our work they are amazed and realise this really can provide a platform for success!
Spiritual Help and Clearing Services
Have you ever walked into a building or room and felt uneasy, shivers down your spine and wanted to leave quickly?
Have you noticed people seem anxious and uneasy, starting arguments when they should feel happy and relaxed?
Have you noticed you get to the final part of a business deal one you are confident to land, and then you miss out at the last point?
Sick building syndrome is a “thing” and it most certainly is a “thing” if the building has spiritual problems like negative entities, ghosts, curses, or is built on or near tainted land.
These are all clear indications you may well have spiritual problems that can be easily rectified invoking our services.
How Can We Help You?
We have a team of different spiritual consultants that can help to clear not just your physical building, land, staff and also your business entity.
We can unblock your business deals and help your business flow smoother helping you to achieve success.
We can help your staff to feel happier and more relaxed in their working environment, reducing feelings of stress, anxiety, and general depression.
If you “feel” uneasy and anxious in your office space, or home then your intuition is working hard to raise a red flag and you need to listen to that inner feeling.
Start A Conversation With Us Today!
It will only take a minute
Corporate Curses and Witchcraft
Every day more and more people are turning to the esoteric arena to gain a commercial advantage.
Online searches for witches and curses are flourshing.
Tiktok searches Curses
corporate witchcraft
clients We protect
Large corporations are exploring the mystical to gain tatical advantages over their competitors.
Businesses, organisations and people who are unfamiliar with esotericism and magic possibilities usually can’t understand why when ten identical companies launch the exact same product.
Only one of them becomes a recognized leader while the rest sink into oblivion!
The thing is this one company employs an occult master who casts business curses on all its business rivals.
Whatever the cursed companies do, whatever strategies they develop and investments they make, they are doomed to failure.

How We Work
We like to be straight forward and easy to work with, and for that reason we won’t be speaking in deeply spiritual terminology that can be tricky to understand.
Most of our clients were skeptical about the spiritual arena and how this can affect the physical day to day.
We understand this is the case and will ensure we communicate in a way that is clear and easy for you to engage with us.
Fact Find
Upon engagement we will sit down and clearly explain how we work and what we do.
We will also discuss your requirements and ensure both parties are clear on the engagement process and all costs associated with the work we perform.
Plan Of Action
Once we have an ageed to enagage together we will produce a plan of action.
This will detail the finer points of the process, if we are attending site we agree dates and times and other specific detail to ensure a successful visit.
Success Criteria
We are experts in our field and will ensure both parties know and agree what success looks like.
We want to make a huge positive impact for our clients and ensure clients are left with a positive trajectory.
Bespoke Plans and Options
We offer a wide range of different options to fit with all budgets and expectations.
From a quick spiritual clearing to a fully integrated on-site visit, full report and continued engaged support to ensure business success.
A One-Off
Remote Clearing
With Report
- Curses Removed
- Witchcraft Cleared
- Black Magic Cleared
- Malevolent Entities Removed
- Portals Etheric and Property Closed
- Inter-Dimensional Parasites Removed
- Property Cleared & Protected
A One-Off
Remote Clearing
With Report
- Same as Bronze +
- On-Going Quarterly Protection
- Spiritual Sabotage Cleared
- Business Bank Account Cleared
- Remote “Check-Up” and Clearings If Required Within Six Months
- Quarterly Spiritual Protection For The Following Year
- Includes Protection Protocol For On-Going Corporate Defence BOOK TODAY
Remote Clearing
With Report
- Same as Silver +
- Includes Protection Protocol For On-Going Corporate Defence
- Corporate Pipeline and Live Tenders Cleared of Negativity and Protected
- Employees (as a whole) Cleared and Protected
- Business Bank Account Cleared of Negativity and Protected
Bespoke Package
Tailored quote unique for your requirements
Offering GOLD Package But Not Limited To. Additional Options as Required.
Remote or On-Site
Visit With Report
- We Will Create A Unique Package Tailored To Your Requirements
- Can Also Include Your Residential Home
- Ongoing Clearings and Support
- Paranormal Team Visit
- Feung Shui Consultancy
- Monthly Spiritual Protection
- Business Entity Cleared and Protected
Business Advantage
The Secret of Success
Commercial businesses become successful because they employ great people, have market leading products and make good business decisions taking advantage of any situation that presents itself.
Believing in spirituality is not required to invoke and work with this powerful team, what does matter is results, and together we get them working with you!
Engage with us and you will quickly see the results when you embrace spiritual advantages over your competitiors.
We provide a report of the findings we make. This will provide “real” world physical proof for the positive changes we forge working with our spiritual team.
Long Term
Engage with us for a “one-off” clearing, or we can work with you long term providing a wondeful working relationship.
We do have ethics, therefore we work with the strictest confidence and will not work against any competitor.
We work to make your business successful in an ethical and moral way.
Reassurance and Anonymity
We come with over 40 years of joint experience working in the spiritual arena.
You can be assured working with us ensures you have engaged the best most ethical defensive team available.
Spiritual Helpers
We work with our master spiritual guides “Chen” and “White-Hawk” who in turn have created a very powerful team of entities in spirit that work with us to help clear your business enabling you your business to prosper.
We have a wide portfolio of customers, many wish to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, let’s just say some are famous names that sell products all over the world.
We work with the highest of business ethics.
You can be sure since we understand how things works from a spiritual perspective we will only ever work in an ethical and positive manner.
Many of our clients are keen to ensure their engagemnet with us is kept secure and private. We do not sell any data and all client data is kept safe on secure storage. Your details will not be shared or used in any way.
Highly Experienced Spiritual Consultants
We have a core team and also work in collabration with a number of paranormal investiation and feung shui teams across the world.
We can deploy spiritual consultants in most countries to ensure a succesfull engagement with our clients.